

27 Styczeń 2006
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Mam do napisania wypracowanie z angielskiego minimum na 1 stronę podaniową. temat pracy to "How important is the internet in a your life?"

Bardzo proszę o pomoc. Nie musi to być nic skomplikowanego, moze być napisane najprostszymi słowami :p


3 Marzec 2007
1 681
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napisz to poprawimy :)
nikt za Ciebie calej roboty nie odwali


27 Styczeń 2006
Punkty reakcji
Jakoś wymęczyłam to wypracowanie ale wiem że jest ono kompletnie nie gramatycznie napisane bo ja to jestem takie antytalencie do jezyków obcych :mruga: więc bardzo bym prosiła żeby ktoś to sprawdził i chociaż część błędów poprawił.

How important is the Internet in a your life.

In XX century Internet is very useful and necessary. Almost all people use the Internet, because it help them in life. They can almost all things do at home. In my life Internet also is important, because thanks to it I have more free time.

The Internet give us information. When I must inquire about something, for example about weather or what happened in my country, I use the Internet and there I look for this information. And when I must write paper or prepare oneself for classes in university, I also use the Internet. There we can fast look for a lot of useful information.

By the Internet we also can do shopping. We can buy almost everything. I often buy via the net jewellery and gifts for my friends and family. This shopping is very fast and we can’t go to shop. We do all at own home, and tanks to this we have more time.

I very like meet new people, via the net I can do it very often. I talk with my old friends, but I also meet a new very interesting people, and often I talk with them a lot of time. I can speak up on the forum, and there I can learn very interesting information.

When I have free time I often download music files and films , and after I watch them. I play in game via the net. Then I also can meet a new people. Via the net we can doing more things. For example my parent sometimes pay a bills via the net and they can’t go out with home, because we have a account in the bank in internet. A lot of people looking for a job via the net, studying, working, watching interactive television.

This arguments show how important is the Internet. Thanks to it we can do a lot of things very fast and we have more free time. In my life Internet also is useful, and I thinking that I can’t life without the net.


3 Marzec 2007
1 681
Punkty reakcji
qrna.. moglas na pw wrzucic.. nie wiedzialam ze napisalas :p...

How important is the Internet in a your life.

In XX century Internet is very useful and necessary. Almost all the people use the Internet, because it helps them in their life. They can do almost all the things at home. In my life Internet is also important because, thanks to it, I have more free time. (ost zdanie nie do konca logiczne bo co ma internet do wiekszej ilosci czasu wolnego ;) musisz dopisac dlaczego tak myslisz bo bedzie blad logiczny)

The Internet give us information. When I must inquire (? inquire about to - zapytywac :p nie rozumiem za bardzo) about something, for example about the weather or what has happened in my country, I use the Internet to find that information. And when I have to write paper(?) or prepare oneself(?) for classes in university, I also use the Internet. There we can find a lot of useful information very fast.

By the Internet we also can do shopping. We can buy almost everything. I often buy jewellery and gifts for my friends and family via the Net. This way of shopping is very fast and we don't have to go to the shop. We do all at home, and thanks to it we have more time.

I like meeting new people very much, via the Net I can do it very often. I can talk with my old friends, but I also meet new, very interesting people, and often I talk with them very long. I can speak up on the forum, and there I can also learn very interesting information.

When I have free time I often download music files and films , and then I watch them. I play games via the Net. Then I can also meet new people. Via the Net we can do more things (log. znowu). For example my parents sometimes pay the bills via the Net and they don't have to go out, because we have an online account in the bank. A lot of people look for a job via the Net, studying, working, watching interactive television. (podkreslenie znacyz ze nie bardzo wiedzialam o co chodzi :p)

That arguments show how important is the Internet (nie jestem pewna ale chyba - how important the Internet is). Thanks to it we can do a lot of things very fast and we have more free time. In my life, the Internet is also very useful, and I think that I couldn't life without the Net.
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